Though I don’t want them going all soft or becoming TOO self-aware, I do like that my Minions sometimes look up and say, “We’re doing WHAT?” Here’s an example. I also like that it’s in Minion Number 9’s character that he can’t just make a thing NOT work. He has to make it do SOMETHING, just something relatively harmless.

From a production standpoint, I like this. One thing I noticed about the early Minions at Work cartoons is how colorless and cold they are. The Minion uniforms are black and white, and most of the early set pieces were silver or gray. This one, on the other hand, has a ton of color in it. By this time, I had started using colored lights and props to spark things up. So we’ve got lots of green, and highlights of red, orange, and yellow, plus there are prismatic walls and control panel inserts to give even more color. Also rats. By this time, I had starting throwing in rats all the time. I like rats.